DAY2:Basics Linux Commands

DAY2:Basics Linux Commands

Linux is a open source operating system which made up of the Kernel.It was initially released by Linus Torvalds on September 17, 1991.

Open source and used by 91% of the application on the Internet and having high security.Allows multiuser and multitasking.

Linux has Multiple Flavors/Versions-



3.KALILINUX(Mostly used for Hacking)



6.SUSE etc.

Architecture of LINUX:

-Users can interact with Kernel by Shell.

-Kernel is heart of the Linux where code is present.

File System Hierarchy of Linux:

Basic Linux Commands-

1.Check your present working directory.

"PWD" stands for Print Working Directory. The "pwd" command prints the full name/full path of current/working directory.

2.List all the files or directories including hidden files.

"ls -a" command is used to list all hidden files of present working directory.

3.Create a nested directory train/with/shubham/happy/learning

mkdir -p command used to create sub-directories of a directory.

4.bin-this command is used to check installed softwares/apps

the standard directory for binary files or packages is /usr/bin, where most of the system-specific binaries are found. Also, /user/local/bin is where non-system binaries i.e. locally compiled or maintained packages are kept. However, both of these directories are for all system-wide users.

Thank you for reading!! Hope you find this helpful.


Always open for suggestions..!!

Thankyou Shubham Londhe !!