Day 59: Ansible Project ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Day 59: Ansible Project ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Nginx deployment through Ansible Playbook


1 min read

Note: Installation part done in previous blog.


  • create 3 EC2 instances . make sure all three are created with same key pair

  • Install Ansible in host server

  • copy the private key from local to Host server (Ansible_host) at (/home/ubuntu/.ssh)

  • access the inventory file using sudo vim /etc/ansible/hosts

  • Create a playbook to install Nginx

  • deploy a sample webpage using the ansible playbook2. Connect master server with SSH and install ansible on it

Create EC2 instances and connected thru pem file.

  • sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible

  • sudo apt update

  • sudo apt install ansible

  • Write Playbook to install NGINX.


run the playbook

Here we go!

Happy Learning :)

Thank you for reading!! Hope you find this helpful.


Shubham Londhe

Github for reference:

