Day 61- Terraform🔥

Day 61- Terraform🔥

Find purpose of basic Terraform commands which you'll use often

Created random file/string to try out the commands.

terraform init: is a command used in Terraform to initialize a new or existing Terraform working directory. .When you run terraform init, Terraform will download and install any required providers and modules specified in your configuration files. The command will also initialize a backend, which is responsible for storing Terraform state information.

terraform init -upgrade: Terraform will check for any outdated or missing providers and modules specified in your configuration files, and download and install the latest versions of these providers and modules. The command will also update the backend, which is responsible for storing Terraform state information

terraform plan: Terraform will examine your configuration files and create a detailed execution plan that shows what changes will be made to your infrastructure. The plan includes a list of all resources that will be created, modified, or deleted, as well as any changes to resource dependencies or attributes.

terraform apply: is a command used in Terraform to apply the changes defined in your configuration files to your infrastructure.

terraform validate: is a command used in Terraform to validate the syntax and configuration of your Terraform files. This command is used to check for errors in your configuration files before applying them.

terraform fmt: is a command used in Terraform to automatically format your configuration files in a standard and consistent style. This command is used to ensure that your configuration files are easy to read and maintain, and follow best practices for Terraform configuration.

terraform destroy :is a command used in the Terraform infrastructure as code (IaC) tool to remove all the resources that were created by a Terraform configuration. It is the opposite of the terraform apply command

Also along with these tasks its important to know about Terraform in general- Who are Terraform's main competitors?

The main competitors are:

Ansible Packer Cloud Foundry Kubernetes.

Here are some of the Terraform alternatives:

  1. Pulumi

  2. AWS CloudFormation

  3. Azure ARM Templates

  4. Google Deployment Manager

  5. AWS CDK

  6. CDKTF

  7. Microsoft Bicep

  8. Ansible

Happy Learning :)

Thank you for reading!! Hope you find this helpful.


Shubham Londhe