Day88(DevOps)-Complete CI/CD with React and AWS Beanstalk using GitHub Actions

Day88(DevOps)-Complete CI/CD with React and AWS Beanstalk using GitHub Actions

Project Description✔️✔️

The project involves deploying a react application on AWS Elastic BeanStalk using GitHub Actions. Git Hub actions allows you to perform CICD with GitHub Repository integrated.

Project execution steps:

Step1:Create an EC2 instance.


How does Elastic Beanstalk work??

You only need to upload your code to Elastic Beanstalk, and it will take care of everything else, including capacity provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling, and application health monitoring. At the same time, you continue to have complete control over the AWS resources that support your application and are always able to access the underlying resources.

Key Points:

  • A service from AWS for orchestration.

  • Is employed to scale and deliver web applications and services.

  • On well-known servers like Apache, Passenger, Nginx, and IIS, support Java, Python, Ruby,.NET, PHP, Node.js, Go, and Docker.

  • Deploying your application to AWS in the quickest and simplest manner possible.

  • It handles application health monitoring, load balancing, deployment, capacity provisioning, and auto-scaling.

  • Managing AWS resources is completely up to you.

Step2:Install docker: sudo apt-get install

Write Dockerfile for our application:

Terms you should know for to create Dockefile:

FROM node:14-alpine as builder


COPY package.json . #Copying to current working directory/app directory

RUN npm install #install dependecies under docker container

COPY . . RUN npm run build #It will build our app as static folder.

FROM nginx #Base image nginx nginx will serve our static folder on port 80 which build in above step.

EXPOSE 80 COPY --from=builder /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html

Run dockefile and create a container with this commands

sudo docker build -t <provide_image_name> .
sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 <image_name>

Check running docker container with docker ps command.

Step3:Check if application is running on the exposed port as container gets created in above step.

Step4:Now,Lets move to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk and Create application

Provide Name and description

Create Environment once your application gets created

Step5:Create IAM Role with the required policies.

Select options as below and provide Service,Key and Role

Step6:Keep moving with default options and verify if instance gets created or not with our configurations.

Verify if environment gets created successfully.

Check events:

Step7:Try to access this URL.

So we are good to go with our Docker deployment with AWS Beanstalk.

Step8:Create github workflow file

Provide your bucket name which we created by Beanstalk

Also provide,Application Name,Environment Name etc like below.

name : Deploy react application thru BeanStalk #Name of the deployment
on :
    push: #triggers with push
            - "main"  #Branch
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest  #Image
        - name: Checkout source code   
          uses: actions/checkout@v2

        - name: Generate deployment package
          run: zip -r . -x '*.git*'  #zip your code

        - name: Deploy to EB   #deploy to elastic beanstalk
          uses: einaregilsson/beanstalk-deploy@v21
            aws_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_ADMIN_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} 
            aws_secret_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_ADMIN_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
            application_name: docker-react
            environment_name: Dockerreact-env
            version_label: ${{ github.sha }}
            existing_bucket_name: elasticbeanstalk-us-east-1-354408555228
            region: us-east-1

Step9:Create IAM user and with below policies.

Create Access key and Secret key for the integrations(GITHUBactions)

Deployment gets triggered after the commit.

Notification received over mail.

Step10:Made some changes and successful deployment on Beanstalk.

As we provided deployment package as Zip folder check your S3 Bucket

Step11:Now access the same URL and check if our app got deployed successfully.

Workflow actions for the deployment

Step12:Access your environment URL,Here is the Deployment with AWS Beanstalk..!!✔️✔️

Code (GitHub)


***Happy Learning :)***✌✌

Keep learning,Keep growing🎇🎇

Thank you for reading!! Hope you find this helpful.


Shubham Londhe