DAY9: Task: Deep Dive in Git & GitHub for DevOps Engineers.

DAY9: Task: Deep Dive in Git & GitHub for DevOps Engineers.


GIT is a source code management system which is used to maintain different versions of the code,which makes developers life easy and handle projects with speed and more efficiency.

Difference between Main Branch and Master Branch.

There is no such specific difference between Main and Master, if we create or initialize repo in Local, Master Branch will act as default.

for Remote Repo,Main will act as default branch.

Difference between GIT and GITHUB:



GIT is a software

GITHUB is a service

Command line tool

Graphical user interface

It focuses Code sharing and version control

It focuses on centralized source code hosting

GIT is a version control system used to manage source code history.

GITHUB is a hosting service for repositories

New Repository Creation over GITHUB.

LOGIN GITHUB--->Profile--->Your repositories--->click on NEW

Provide REPO Name and select options as below---->create new Repository.




It is stored on your local machine

It is stored on Remote computer

When you are finished with doing changes into your workspace, you can add them to staging area and from there you can commit the changes to your local repository. This can be done even when you are disconnected from the internet and nobody else can see the changes in your local repository.

The remote repository is usually used by teams as a central repository into which everyone pushes the changes from his local repository and from which everyone pulls changes to his local repository.  

Nobody can make changes 

Anybody can make changes 

Remote repo can be pulled to your local machine to make changes by using git pull command

Changes can be moved to remote repo by git push command

Master is a default branch

Main is a default branch


  • Create a repository named "Devops" on GitHub

  • Connect your local repository to the repository on GitHub.

  • Create a new file in Devops/Git/Day-02.txt & add some content to it

  • Push your local commits to the repository on GitHub



Created DevOps REPO in GITHUB

Clone REPO in Local machine -git clone url

Created day2.txt and made some changes

git add filename

git commit -m "comment"

git config --global "name"

git config --global "email"

git remote add url

git push -u origin main


Thank you for reading!! Hope you find this helpful.


Always open for suggestions..!!

Thankyou Shubham Londhe !!